Keep moving

Posted on 6th November, 2015 | | 3206 Views | Life, Motivation

One evening I was supposed to attend my childhood friend’s marriage function which was a bit off my place. We promised to be present in each other’s marriage day function. As I started, I noticed there is not enough fuel. I located a gas station and loaded my car with fuel. I moved. I would have travelled just a few miles and I got stuck in traffic. I thought; how would I reach the place on time with so much of traffic. It was chock-a-block. I thought of turning back. But, it was important for me to attend the function and so I decided to wait for a few minutes more. Suddenly, the traffic started moving. As I drove, I found the way as vehicles ahead of me either drove faster or gave pass to me. I reached the freeway. As I thought, I might make it on time I got another setback. The car tyre went flat. It was enough. I was already late and I thought of aborting my journey. Still, I gave it a shot. I changed my tyres and moved ahead. Finally, I reached the venue. I was a bit late but it was worth it. I was delighted to see my childhood friend dressed as bridegroom. I enjoyed the rest of the evening. It was worth all the pain driving down negotiating with all the challenges and keep up the promise.

The same happens with life.  You must aim high and once we do, you will face challenges and obstacles. The moment you take the first step, you might feel you don’t have the fuel to travel the distance. Don’t give way. Re-energise yourself, re-fuel yourself. As you will move a few more steps, you may that find something or the other will stand in your way and you will feel like quitting. Don’t quit. Persist. You will find the obstruction giving way to your resolve. As you move on, you will encounter many more unknown challenges. Keep moving. Have an eye on your goal. Believe in your strength. Remember, those who never concede, win. And once you win, all the obstacles in the rear mirror will look small.


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