Thought of the Day

  • November 6th, 2014

    An act of kindness is always better than a promise of two.

  • November 5th, 2014

    Big results are nothing but disciplined execution of many small things.

  • November 4th, 2014

    When you make the world your beneficiary, you can never fail in what you wish to achieve.

  • November 3rd, 2014

    Make your weakness your biggest strength. Observe carefully and you will see it happening.

  • November 2nd, 2014

    Very few people have their minds aligned with their heart. That’s the reason why very few find happiness.

  • November 1st, 2014

    If you often dream about doing something else, it’s time to quit what you are doing now.

  • October 31st, 2014

    Billions of people dream every day. There are only a few who wake up to accomplish them.

  • October 30th, 2014

    The only way to predict future is to practice hard.

  • October 29th, 2014

    You have a choice. To feel insignificant looking at a giant tree or be motivated that it was once a small seed.

  • October 28th, 2014

    No path is endless, provided you don’t stop.

  • October 27th, 2014

    The average claim expertise in many things; the good focus on a few things; the best keep practising a single thing.

  • October 26th, 2014

    If you think you know, you don’t know a bit.

  • October 24th, 2014

    If you walk the path you choose, you will never regret it.

  • October 23rd, 2014

    Those who fall inside their own depth, rise high in the outside world.

  • October 22nd, 2014

    Unless you stop doing things you don’t like, you will never have time for doing things you always wanted.

  • October 21st, 2014

    Running around in all directions won’t help. Walking in one direction will take you far.

  • October 20th, 2014

    Successful people see the opportunity. Average people just see the challenges.

  • October 19th, 2014

    History books are reserved for those who venture out to change the future.

  • October 18th, 2014

    Aspiration is not bad. It’s comparison that kills.

  • October 17th, 2014

    One man is needed to change the world. It can be you.

  • October 16th, 2014

    When you decide to pursue your dreams, success begins at the starting line.

  • October 15th, 2014

    Time may run out for those who are waiting for a perfect start to their journey of life. Start today.

  • October 14th, 2014

    Peace can never be achieved with power. It stays within the territory of love.

  • October 13th, 2014

    Look through the eyes of gratitude. You will find your life beautiful.

  • October 12th, 2014

    Predictions hardly work. Their only characteristic is to change with times.

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